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Pondering: Wait

Writer's picture: Sharon Sharon

Yet those who wait for the Lord

Will gain new strength;

They will mount up with wings like eagles,

They will run and not get tired,

They will walk and not become weary. Isaiah 40: 31

In my faith walk, wait is not an unpleasant four-letter word; nor is it a period of time where I sit idle, discouraged, with my plans and dreams on hold. My waiting should be a season of great hope, anticipation and expectation. While I wait, I need to be proactive: reading His word, surrendered and still, listening for His whisperings. God is at actively at work to accomplish His plan in my life. In His perfect timing, His perfect plan will be revealed! This truth makes my hope soar in anticipation! It enables and encourages me to faithfully continue to run my daily race…while I wait!

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