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Out of the Boat

Writer's picture: Sharon Sharon

One year ago, I got out of the boat. I started my blog: 7 Sycamore Lane.

For too many years, I fearfully sat in the center of the boat, wearing a life vest, and clinging to the sides for dear life. I loved to write. I wanted to write, but I could not get past my fears of ‘what-others-will-think’ and the ‘not-good-enoughs.’ My focus was wrong. I was concentrating on my self-perceived limitations.

I redirected my focus to the Lord. I sought Him, desiring to live more courageously. I wanted more than a mediocre life; I wanted amazing!   I didn’t want to grow old regretting that I had not pursued what I felt was a God-given dream. Then the Lord stirred my heart and confirmed the direction I needed to go. So I ditched the life vest, flung my leg over the side, stayed my focus on Him, and got out of the boat.

Not surprising, it has been an amazing experience. When I posted my first blog entry, I held my breath. I wasn’t sure what to expect. However, I was overwhelmed by the positive feedback. I confess I found myself checking the website’s visit statistics and Facebook for feedback. For the first few posts, the numbers and comments encouraged me to write again. The more I wrote, the easier it became to share what the Lord placed on my heart. Then I realized I needed to write out of obedience, not for applause or affirmation. It really isn’t my business how, or if, the Lord chooses to use my words.

Stepping out of the boat with my writing has affected virtually every area of my life. My perspective has changed. God-given courage has emerged. Painful memories are rendered defeated. Strongholds were broken. Ministry opportunities have materialized.

Even today, I sense the Lord is calling me to walk further out on the water…to leave the boat totally behind. While I am not sure where He will lead, I am excited about the journey.

Thank you for joining me on my blogging adventure. I hope you will continue the journey with me!  So, here’s to the start of year two!

And climbing out of the boat, Peter started walking on the water and came toward Jesus. But when he saw the strength of the wind, he was afraid. And beginning to sink he cried out, “Lord, save me!” Immediately Jesus reached out His hand, caught hold of him, and said to him, “You of little faith, why did you doubt?  ~ Matthew 14: 29-31

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