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  • Writer's pictureSharon


Updated: Aug 4, 2019

I am cried out.

Yesterday, we celebrated the homegoing of my precious friend and sister-in-the-faith. When she made the decision to stop cancer treatment, she asked the Lord to give her three weeks to get her affairs in order and to say her good-byes. The Lord answered yes, and instead, gave her nine weeks.

It was difficult to watch a strong, courageous, beautiful woman lose her physical strength; yet, literally, her courage and beauty increased with each passing moment. The time I spent with her was precious. We had important conversations and a lot of laughter. As each visit drew to a close, we held hands and I prayed for her and her family, and each time, before I could say Amen, with a soft, labored voice, she prayed for me. I cannot tell you how powerful that was…and how she blessed me.

During her final weeks, my friend asked me to do something for her; something that was the hardest, and most important thing I have ever done. Only by the power of the Holy Spirit was I able to accomplish the appointed task. And the whole experience has left me pondering what I am supposed to take away from it. I sense it is the beginning of something…but the beginning of what, I am not sure.

My thoughts are a jumbled mess. I keep thinking of her life well-lived. Her legacy. And I think of my own life.

What legacy will I leave?

Will I have used my influence for good?

Will I have made a difference for the Kingdom of God?

Will I have shown the love of Jesus to those whom He placed in my path?

Will I have used my God-given skills, gifts and talents for His glory and His purpose?

Will I have accomplished what He intended for me to accomplish?

Will I have spent enough time at His feet?

And then I had an ah-ha moment.

I still have a heartbeat and breath.

I still have time to prepare my legacy.


I must choose to use my influence for good.

I must choose to make a difference for the Kingdom of God.

I must choose to show the love of Jesus to all whom He places in my path.

I must choose to use my God-given skills, gifts and talents for His glory and His purpose.

I must prayerfully seek His will for my day and strive to accomplish the tasks He has for me.

I must choose to spend more time in His Word, to be still and listen for His sweet whisperings.

Today, O Lord, may I be found faithful. Amen.

Therefore, since we have so great a cloud of witnesses surrounding us, let us also lay aside every encumbrance and the sin which so easily entangles us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of faith, who for the joy set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. For consider Him who has endured such hostility by sinners against Himself, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart. ~ Hebrews 12:1-3

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