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Word Games

Writer's picture: Sharon Sharon

Yesterday, the Lord literally gave me a word-picture from the online word game, Wordle.

I am not a serious Wordle player. Many of my friends are intense players and strategize on paper, scribbling possible words before using one of their turns. Me? I start off with the same word each time, and from there, randomly guess, which is often why I don’t win. I confess, I sometimes waste one of my turns to try to get more letters. Some days, I seek words from an online word list. And, there are days — gasp — when I intentionally plug in wrong words to just find out the answer.

I use the same start word every day: FAITH. This time it only scored me one consonant in the incorrect position. Since I had just completed my quiet time, and feeling all faith-like, I decided to stick with the faith-word theme and plugged in the word TRUST. This time, the U and T were in the correct position. I chuckled at how the word DOUBT was opposite of faith, and decided to humor myself and plugged in the word…and I was rewarded with a win!

I laughed…doubt for the win? Doubt only wins when I give it permission. It will quickly invade my peace, steal my joy and stir up fear.

However, the silly little word game was a profound, much-needed visual reminder.

I must first stand firm on my foundational word of FAITH. Then I must TRUST the God I know at all times and in all situations, whether or not it makes sense. If I do, then I am assured that DOUBT will never win.

Faith shows the reality of what we hope for; it is the evidence of things we cannot see.

~ Hebrews 11:1

Trust in the Lord with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding. Seek His will in all you do, and He will show you which path to take. ~ Proverbs 3:5-6

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