Have you ever had something catch your attention and then it seems to show up repeatedly? Some times in familiar places and other times in the oddest ways? And then at some point, you have the passing thought that maybe there's a reason it keeps showing up? Maybe there's something you're supposed to glean? Dots that need to be connected? A take-away?
That's been happening to me with the word "light."
Over the past few weeks, the word has popped up my daily Bible readings. In conversations. Songs on the radio. Pleasure books. Study books. And then I began to take notice of physical light and how it affects my mood. How one flip of the light switch will literally drive out darkness.
A quick search on the internet defines light as the natural agent that stimulates sight and makes things visible. To illuminate. To ignite.
The Biblical definition of light symbolizes goodness, purity, truth and God's presence. God created light (Genesis 1:3) and God is light (1 John 1:5). Light reveals understanding (Psalm 119:130) and it illuminates the way to walk (Psalm 119:105). It is life-changing (Ephesians 5:8) and gives hope (Ephesians 1:18). Jesus is the light of the world (John 8:12). As Christ-followers, we are told to let our light shine (Matthew 5:14).
I've been thinking about Jesus' instruction to "let my light shine" and what that looks like. I could easily sit down and write out a "shine" list. Things I should do. Characteristics I should possess. Attitudes I should exhibit. While I could jot down a long list, I have concluded that it really comes down to one question: am I a light extinguisher or a light giver?
Over the years, I've encounter both kinds of people. Countless times, I've had someone relight my candle when mine had burned out for one reason or another. I've also had folks intentionally blow out my light thinking it would make theirs shine brighter.
After natural sunlight, my favorite light is candlelight. I find it fascinating that a small flicker has the ability to chase away darkness and at the same time cast out a warm, inviting, and cozy glow.
Each year, I look forward to the lighting of the candles at our Christmas Eve church service.
The worship center lights go dark. A solitary candle is lit by the pastor. He lights someone's candle and, in turn, they light the candle of another. Quickly, the light multiplies as we each receive the small flickering flame and immediately share it. Soon, the worship center is flooded with radiant light. It's a sacred experience; a collective one that becomes personal as I lift my light to honor the Deity who came to earth as a babe.
It's a profound picture of "letting my light shine." I may not be able to light the whole world, but I can light my world. I can take my small candle, lit by the ultimate Giver of Light, and share with those in my circle of influence. To those who are discouraged, lonely, or holding a flameless candle, my one little light can make a difference.
So I will take my candle and go Light my world.
No one lights a lamp and then puts it under a basket. Instead, a lamp is placed on a stand, where it gives light to everyone in the house. - Matthew 5:15