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Writer's picture: Sharon Sharon

On June 2, 1979, I turned the tassel on my graduation cap. It signified completing my high school career and transitioning to the next season: a new season with unlimited possibilities, hope for things to come, and the chance to pursue my childhood dreams.

Today, exactly 42 years later, I turned in my two-week notice. I am transitioning to the next season: fulfilling my calling to write, encourage others and serve.

The Lord has been preparing me for this season, this day, since I was a child. He has been inching me out of my comfort zone, giving me courage to be transparent and share my journey. Several years ago, I had an ah-ha moment: I realized writing is not just a passion and a hobby, it is my mission in life to use my words to encourage others.

In early May 2018, as I was walking across the office parking lot, the Holy Spirit interrupted my thoughts and spoke clearly to my heart: “Writing is your full-time ministry.”

My heart skipped a beat. To think of writing full-time, in Kingdom service, excited me. It would require a radical change in a familiar routine and lifestyle. I thought in response, “Okay, Lord. I’m not sure how I get there from here, but I will trust You to show me.” And I confess, I was eager for it to be sooner than later; I was weary of the workaday world.

I knew I needed to prepare my fields. If the Lord was opening the door for ministry, He was going to send the rain, the growth and the harvest.

On the home front, while I do not think ministry equates to life as a starving-artist, I needed to take care of some big ticket maintenance items while I was still in the workplace. On the ministry side, I needed to pray more, write more and keep honing my craft.

Days turned into weeks; months into a year and beyond. I kept praying, writing, and walking across the parking lot.

In March 2020, I had the stirring thought that the Lord might ask me to step out, away from my provision and financial security, without knowing what was next. In the past, He always presented what was next before He began the process of prodding me out of my comfort zone toward the new opportunity.

Surprisingly, the thought of stepping out in faith didn’t put me in a whirl, which is odd since I usually balk at the unknown. I have a history of toiling and spinning if I don’t know every single detail.

I kept praying, writing, walking across the parking lot and waiting to see what the Lord was going to do.

Then a few weeks ago, I learned that my job position was not transitioning to the new federal contract. The Lord slammed the door shut for my future in-place employment. I didn’t have to make the decision about stepping out into the unknown, the Lord made it for me. I also sensed I was to exit early and not wait until the last day of my contract.

So here I am. My season of ‘next’ has finally arrived.

I have prepared my fields to the best of my knowledge and ability. I am trusting the Lord to make my meager plantings grow and, in His perfect time, bring about the harvest. While I am still not sure what the field looks like, I know with certainty this is where, and what, I am supposed to be planting.

I will trust the Lord to provide. It’s a little scary after four decades to walk away from the familiar security of a bi-weekly paycheck. After contributing to it for so long, the idea of drawing from my 401k will require a mindset adjustment. I will choose to embrace the change; I know I will figure it all out and be just fine.

I will trust the Lord to guide. I’m not sure how to do life outside of the Monday-Friday office grind, because it is all I have ever known. I look forward to not setting my alarm clock. I won’t miss the commute to the naval base, nor waiting in traffic to clear front gate security. And I am especially thankful I will not have to complete the dreaded annual mandatory DoD training courses this year!

I have supernatural peace about this next step and the Lord has confirmed this is the way for me to walk. He has already gone before me, preparing in big, unexpected ways.

Honestly, it has been a very long time since I have been this excited. I used to be a dreamer, but at some point over the years, derailed by circumstances, I decided my dreaming was no match for reality.

Yet today I am as excited as I was on my graduation day in 1979! I feel like the 17-year old me, clothed in royal blue, diploma in hand, turning that bright orange tassel to the left.

I am transitioning to my next season, one with unlimited possibilities, hope for things to come, and the chance to pursue — and fulfill — my God-breathed, God-fueled childhood dreams.

Now faith is the certainty of things hoped for, a proof of things not seen. ~ Hebrews 11:1

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